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Mindful Workplaces

Mindfulness is a practice that has many positive effects on employees in the workplace. The benefits of being more mindful or being present in the moment, include a reduction in stress, the ability to pause and think before responding and an overall feeling of gratitude and well-being.

DiSC: Work & Communication Styles

The DiSC model is used to help develop more effective teams and highly engaged and motivated employees.

*Executive Coaching Packages available



Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

By using the EQ-i 2.o model, you are able to gain a deeper understanding of the five areas of emotional intelligence as they relate to a leadership role.

Fostering Resilience and Happiness in Your Employees

This training is full of practical, engaging strategies, insights and practices to help employees feel confident, and remain calm and centered in the face of adversity.

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6 Habits of Extraordinary Leaders

Research-based, heart-centered practices that result in exceptional levels of productivity, skill, joy and confidence.

Here’s a sample of one of my workshops: